Monday, October 22, 2012

Wow... forgot to post this...

This was my first homework assignment, it had to do with our walk that we took through the city, if you go to older posts you can read about my adventure. It may help to better understand this lol.

The evolution of Illustrator...

This is my own work as I got better at using illustrator

photoshop :/

This was my homework assignment, we had to alter an image from online to change its meaning.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fun with text

This is a project i did in Illustrator using text in image form

Adobe Illustrator

This is a pattern I made in Adobe Illustrator. Can you tell I'm obsessed with horses. ;P

Monday, October 1, 2012

Into to Illustrator

We are learning to use Adobe Illustrator in class. This is my homework assignment, we had to create to symbols, one of ourselves and one of something we like to do. The activity had to be simple, but the self portrait had to be more detailed. I look like a Mii lol :D